TodayFlights – Notification Center Flight Tracking

I’ve just released TodayFlights, which is a simple Notification Center widget that allows users to track flights.

It includes a map of the flight path, as well as detailed information about departure and landing times, including any encountered delays.

Users are able to click on the bottom panel to cycle through the departure and arrival times, flight duration and time to arrival. Pan around the map and click on the departure or arrival airports to zoom in to them on the map view.

It uses the FlightUtilities private framework, which is present in both macOS and iOS. This framework is responsible for the built-in flight tracking that was introduced in iOS 9 and macOS El Capitan. I used class-dump to extract the header files, and otool to decompile and assist in the investigation of the framework.

TodayFlights is available now to download for free.

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